Engine Differences across C380 and C387

Previous posts have given specifications for the two different Yanmar engines used in the C387 series.  Warren has provided below some additional interesting information on engine and transmission differences across the C380-C387 series….


Should you want to delve further into engine differences, –in this case between the two boats—one design fact that has baffled me is why the two engines [in this case: 3, but the 2 Yanmars have the same trend] have opposite-trending fwd/rev gear ratios.

Specifically, the Westerbeke 42b has 2.63/1.95 fwd/rev gearing, while the Yanmars [JH3] has 2.61/3.16 fwd/rev reduction ratios!!??

It looks like Westerbeke realizes that owner/operators want to operate at low RPM’s in reverse, but Yanmar believes operators like to operate near the same throttle for both directions???

Have asked a couple of “experts”, but no definitive answer.  Perhaps Tim has some thoughts on this.

To carry this a bit further, I see that

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2 thoughts on “Engine Differences across C380 and C387”

  1. Paul,

    I have noticed throughout the discussions on this forum that my boat has various minor ‘upgrades’ or ‘modifications’ which were introduced on later hull numbers than mine. My theory is that the boat was ordered for export to Oz, but not finished much later than its original ‘basic’ construction, untill a few more boats (not necessarily C380s) could be delivered in one batch to save on transport costs (they went as deck cargo, with keels and rigging installed in Australia). As result the final fit-out may have been completed a few months later than on your boat, and Catalina just went with whatever they were doing at that time, incl a different engine.

    I very much doubt the PO had any say in this. From what I know he just signed on the dotted line without knowing what he was doing. He bought a C350 because he had trouble ‘parking’ this one in his pen at the yacht club. I was later told he sold that one too and went for a yet smaller one, for the same reason. Methinks some boating lessons would have been more cost-effective….

    BTW I have several of your floor boards, so next time you are in Oz, feel free to swap….:)

    C380 # 184, Sydney, Australia

  2. Edward

    It’s interesting that you have the Yanmar engine with C380 hull #184. I have C380 hull #185 and have a Westerbeke engine. I had thought that there were several Westerbekes after my hull #. Looks like I got one of the last Westerbekes or did the Previous Owner of your boat decide to wait for a Yanmar engine?

    Paul McManus
    Sea Sea Rider C380 #185
    Port Orchard, WA

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