Had a port light leak that ruined my chart table. I think Target Enterprises is out of business, or bought by someone else.
Anyone have luck matching the color from the 380, Hull 140 era?
Earl Poe
Angel’s Wings, 140
You can find it at Catalina Direct.
Clay Greene
C387 #30
Milwaukee, WI
I just bought some from these folks. I called Catalina and they told me about this people.
C380 2002 #349
“At Last”
Brian, Catalina used the satin finish so that’s what I bought. So far I am very happy with the product.
C380 2002 #349
“At Last”
This information was received recently from Catalina Direct.

Our Satin Interior Varnish was used on Catalinas built from 1995 to 2001. It cures to a very hard, clear film without the use of secondary catalysts. A Semi-Gloss version of this varnish
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