Category Archives: Fridge

Adding Insulation to Older C380 Refrigerators

Adding Insulation to Older C380 Refrigerators
Catalina Factory

August 29, 1997 Hull #: n/a

Procedure for Installing Additional Insulation to EARLY Refrigerators:

Some early Catalina 380’s may have void areas between the hull and the back of the refrigerators present insulation. Voids area will be found on both side as well as the frontal areas. Additional foam must be added to the bottom area, some sort of temporary cofferdam will be required in this area.

The following procedure will increase the “R” value of the refrigerator.

Please Take Note:

This procedure will require great care in the drilling and injecting of the foam. Caution will be required when drilling thru the refrigerator outboard face to the void area. Drilling too deep will contact the hull or hull liner. Use caution when injecting this foam. It can become very messy stuff. Clean with lacquer thinner or acetone immediately. All drilled holes

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Fridge Compressor

Fridge Compressor
Scott Brear

Hull #: 31

Many of us have noticed that the Catalina 380 fridge needed a bit more insulation to make it effective. The factory fix has been appreciated and worthwhile. I also felt that the placement of the compressor is in a rather vulnerable position in the bottom of the port lazarette. Objects could be dropped on it or it could (and would) be stepped on.

On Samantha we moved the compressor to a shelf glassed into the area between the port propane locker and the hull. This required new copper plumbing and a refrigerant recharge, but there was plenty of unused space. Now it is safely out of the way and still easily accessible. To make certain that it has adequate ventilation we installed a stainless vent between this area and the aft cabin, which is probably a good idea whether the compressor is

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