Category Archives: 2010

A note from the Editor – August 2010

Mainsheet, August 2010

This month we have two articles regarding portlight and hatch issues that tend to plague our C380’s. First, is an article from Captain Tim Porter on sealing those bothersome leaks around the Lewmar side ports. I can relate to this one and remember the rainy delivery cruise up the ICW when I bought Blue Heron. My crewman assigned to the middle cabin had a series of plastic cups positioned under the ports to collect the drips so he could keep his bunk and gear dry. We weren’t able to get pictures of the fix in time for publication, but I think Tim’s description is clear without. Second, is an article from Captain Skip Wilkins on replacing the plexiglass companionway slider with Starboard. It is a different approach versus trying to retrofit a fiberglass C387 slider onto the C380.

As always, I am looking for new ideas, or

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Sealing Leaks in Lewmar “Old Standard” Portlights

By: Tim Porter, C-380 #199 “Serendipity”
Mainsheet – August 2010

If you have an older Catalina, your Lewmar portlights are likely what are known as the “Old Standard” portlight. (note: these are NOT the overhead hatches, which are “Ocean” series hatches) These portlights can be identified by the split in the upper and lower frames on each side. If you have these portlights, you have probably been battling hard-to-find leaks. [My 1999 vintage C380, #194 still has the “Old Standard” ports. – Steve]

Most of these leaks are not from the seal or the latches, but rather from those splits in the frame I noted above. The frame itself is a hollow extrusion and the two halves are joined with a plastic insert that is pressed into them which is then staked into place by dimpling the backside of the frame. Over time, the sun and age takes its toll

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Replacement Companionway Slider

By: Skip Wilkins, C-380 #43 “Bellatrix”

The sliding companionway hatch on “Bellatrix” C380 #43 was made of ½ “ smoked Lexan or Plexiglas and had become crazed and sagged. The sagging allowed water to lay on it and it had become very hard to slide. Looking for an alternative, I called Warren Pandy at Catalina. He told me they no longer made the Plexiglas slider but now made them of fiberglass and the new material eliminated the problems of the old. I ordered the new slider. After I received it and took it to the boat I noticed a couple of problems. The new hatch was domed and would not fit under the sea hood. It would require cutting the sea hood, raising the sea hood and trimming the new slider (See Photos 1 and 2). The color of the nonskid on the new slider was a fresh seagull gray

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Note from the Editor – Mainsheet – May 2010

Mainsheet, May 2010

I started the winter with good intentions and a pretty good list of projects for Blue Heron.  Mostly in the “would be nice to do category.”  However, with the exceptional cold and snow we’ve had, plus other commitments, I’ve gotten nothing done.  Zilch.  Nada.  Sometimes that is just how things go.  Then, if spring ever does come, it will be much too tempting to slip the lines and head out for a couple hours of sailing instead of tackling the project list.  So I expect that many projects on the list will be waiting for me next winter!  I hope you did better on your project list than I did and that you will be ready for some good sailing when the weather warms.  I am looking forward to hoisting the new 135% genoa I bought at theAnnapolis boat show last fall.  It should make our

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