Category Archives: 2010

Adding a Second Refrigerator

By Jeff Church, C387 #145, IdleWild

Mainsheet, February 2010

As we provisioned IdleWild, our 2008 C387, for our first summer cruise, it was apparent that we would miss the ample refrigerator capacity that we had on our previous boat, a Catalina 320. I didn’t see any alternative but to put a large cooler in the aft cabin, at the foot of the berth. That cooler turned into a real nuisance. It tended to slide around underway, it was a trip hazard, and it had to be drained and restocked with ice every other day. On that 6-week trip we used the locker next to the galley sink for dry storage, but I started thinking about converting it into a second refrigerator. It was an attractive idea; the locker and lid are already insulated, but it would take considerable effort and expense to install a second compressor. Then, this spring, I

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Pedestal Guard Replacement

Submitted by Bill Ahillen, Kathy II, C380 #5

I replaced the 1” pedestal guard with a Navpod 1.25 inch. It included the feet while the Edson feet are extra cost I believe. I got the AG126 which is about a 13 inch offset. I think I could have used the AG125 which is about 9 inch offset and reduced the footprint over the table. I had a C90W on the lower angled section and the instrument pod on the upper section of the pedestal guard. I also replaced the plate below the compass with the one from navpod which is stainless. At first I tried to drill the aluminum top plate but did not get a clean hole. Also by using the Navpod stainless steel top plate I will not get any galvanic action. It is isolated at the compass with gaskets. (Navpod TP125 top plate and was about $85

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Relocating the C387 Engine Raw Water Strainer and Primary Fuel Filter.

By Paul Deurenberg

The engine water strainer was originally located under the berth where it was extremely difficult to reach, which can be dangerous in an emergency. The same was true for the primary fuel filter. The water strainer was replaced (and exchanged against an all plastic Vetus model (no rust) into the engine compartment. It sits now just above the waterline and can be easily cleaned without closing the sea cock. The fuel filter was brought outside the berth and a cover was made to protect it from being accidentally hit. The cover also makes a nice stool in front of the mirror. The stool is not too deep, thus still enabling a unobstructed passage between mirror and berth. Under the stool is a place for spare fuel filters and a prime pump in case the filter has to be primed.

Editor’s notes:  The Racor relocation shown is based

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Note from the Editor – Mainsheet November 2010

From the Editor:

It is hard to believe that summer is over and we are heading into the fall sailing season.  We had a late start this year due to family matters.  Then the proliferation of 100+ degree days made sailing and any exterior projects very uncomfortable.  In fact, I just got my new 135% genoa up, which was delivered in April, on a relatively cool day this past week and used it for the first time today.  Definitely makes tacking down theYork Rivermuch easier and adds about 5 degrees pointing capability versus the old, baggy 150.

I will report that one of my winter projects has performed wonderfully over the summer.  That project was adding a vent in the starboard lazerette with a 12V pancake exhaust fan wired to run with the refrigeration compressor.  This simple project has completely eliminated the “boat smell” that used to emanate from the

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