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Refrigeration – Discussion


I’m in the process of installing a completly new refrigeration system. In removing the original equipment I found the installation to be lacking. The refrigerant lines run from the compressor to the box in what appears to be a PVC pipe. The lines were insulated for about 6″ from the box and a foot from the compressor. For the entire 12’/14′ run through the PVC there was NO insulation. In fact the two lines were twisted together and taped every 2 -3 feet.

This has to have effected the effiiency of the whole unit and probably contibuted to condensation.

I don’t know if this was a Friday afternoon boat issue, or if everyone has the same condition. If you can get into the aft locker, you can see into the PVC pipe to check the situation on your boat. Removal of the piping was quite easy. I’m not sure

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Fixing Leaks

About a year after purchasing our 380, we had “dribbles” from the V-berth hatch, when raining.  I fooled around with this for multiple times, silicon greased the seal, no fix, etc.  It ended up that the problem was at one of the two hinge mounts.  There is one or two screws there that hold the top and bottom together, pinching the lens in between.  I put some silicone sealant on the top side, and ran sealant into the screw holes.  Problem fixed and has stayed fixed for the past 18 months.  You might try to isolate your leak, if possible.  Since ours was dripping at the hinge, that sort of got me pointed in the right direction.

Dr. Sam Balsley
Barca a Vela, C380, #322
Sausalito, CA

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Installing Larger Battery Charger

When my original 40 amp Charles Charger quit working, I installed a Xantrex TrueCharge2 60 amp charger to better deal with my larger than original house battery bank.  In the process of doing this, along with help from other members of the group, I realized that there was more to the process than I originally planned.  Here is the resulting issue list that one should consider before getting into this project:

  • Upgrading the charger will probably mean upgrading the battery cables from the charger to the batteries.  Mine were originally #4 but the 60 amp charger required fishing #1 cable.  This makes a huge difference to the complexity and cost of the project and may have discouraged my installation of the larger charger in the first place.
  • Newer chargers require fishing a new wire for the battery temperature sensor.  Compared to fishing larger electrical cable, this was nothing.
  • Expect the

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Wing versus Fin Keel – Discussion

There was considerable discussion on Wing versus Fin Keel, which was best, which had better pointing ability, etc. Here are a couple of the better responses:

On Feb 13, 2012, at 9:56 PM, “tvrf_engr”wrote:

The C380 is on our short list of boats to look closely at once our current boat sells. I’m very skeptical of shoal-draft keels, as our current boat can’t realize a GPS course inside 50-55 degrees off the wind without iron-genny support. Some 380 owners we’ve talked with have the wing keel and report no significant issues with it sailing upwind, while another has quite the opposite view. Of course, the boats that the Admiral is most attracted to have wing keels! Anyway, I’m interested in hearing some more observations as to the performance of the two versions of keels – especially from anyone who has sailed both. We don’t frequent or long to visit any

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Seattle Boat Show – iPad Integration

I also stopped and talked to Raymarine about iPad integration, specifically with questions about integrating Seatalk instrument data. The directed me over to a local dealer who was demonstrating DMK Yacht Instruments 11A Wireless connection for iOS Device (iPad). This device was amazing small and really simplified integration efforts, and was clearly another option to the Brookhouse iMux. Since the DMK instruments is based on open source software with a growing number of partners writing software for it, including many working on Android support, I found it quite intriguing. We also discussed the likely hood of integrating Seatalk data without some form of translation, which they said isn’t done natively by either the iNavx or Navionics apps.

Check out

Jim Turner
“Makana Kai”, 2000 C380, #227

Unfortunately, it appears that the DMK app doesn’t work unless the iPad is connected to the WiFi signal broadcast by the DMK

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Maxwell RC800 Freedom Series Windlass

Link to RC800 Manual

Link to Mainsheet Article – November 2006

Link to Mainsheet Article – February 2007

Link to Maxwell Authorized Service Centers

  • Standard Equipment  on early model C380 series boats beginning in midyear 1997  to discontinuation in midyear 2001.  The prior windlass  (1996 – 1997) was a horizontally mounted   VW800 and the later windlass was a vertically mounted   VW800 including on the C387.
  • The Freedom system  automatically feeds anchor rode into and out of the anchor  locker allowing rope, chain or rope/chain rodes.  But  the chain to rope splice is critical for smooth operation.  Reducing the speed make a smoother transition from chain  to rope.
  • The transition  from rope to chain is by means of a tension arm system  inside the enclosed design.  Maxwell suggests annual  replacement of this inexpensive mail-able item, as the  material will become brittle with age and use.
  • Correct chain and line type are

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Note from the Editor – Mainsheet November 2010

From the Editor:

It is hard to believe that summer is over and we are heading into the fall sailing season.  We had a late start this year due to family matters.  Then the proliferation of 100+ degree days made sailing and any exterior projects very uncomfortable.  In fact, I just got my new 135% genoa up, which was delivered in April, on a relatively cool day this past week and used it for the first time today.  Definitely makes tacking down theYork Rivermuch easier and adds about 5 degrees pointing capability versus the old, baggy 150.

I will report that one of my winter projects has performed wonderfully over the summer.  That project was adding a vent in the starboard lazerette with a 12V pancake exhaust fan wired to run with the refrigeration compressor.  This simple project has completely eliminated the “boat smell” that used to emanate from the

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Westerbeke 42 B Engine Wiring Diagram

Title:Westerbeke 42 B Engine Wiring Diagram
Author:Warren Elliott
Date: 11/1/2003
Hull #: 44

Here is the wiring diagram for the WesterBeke 42B. This engine was also used on the Catalina 400.

























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