Thomas Brantigan
C387 #96
Recent discussions on the C380 forum have discussed actually removing the cockpit table but here is a project that goes in just the opposite direction – it makes it bigger!

My wife and daughter and I often sail with our friends, the Corey’s, who own a C34 they purchased new over 20 years ago. When we throw the hook, we have happy hour and then dinner on one boat or the other. The cockpit table in the 387 seats four people comfortably but we typically have at least 5 – thus the project to add a portable extension to the table.
The project is fairly simple but has some interesting aspects that are worth discussing.
The first thing I did was to create a template of the shape I needed to butt against the existing cockpit table. One could just use a straight
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I looked at Tom B’s cockpit table extension which is really a beautiful piece of craftmanship, not to forget the other work he has done on retro-fitting the plastic pieces with wood.
Our approach is a little different based on our experience with the wooden table extension we have for the galley table which is rarely used and I’m forever worried about scratching it while in storage where ever there is space that day!!
So, for the 3 or 4 times a year that we might need a larger cockpit table, we’ve come up with extension made out of pressed board that I had lying around the shop. I feel that a few coats of white primer and white exterior paint will keep it useable for many years as long as it doesn’t sit in pools of water. Also won’t worry about scratches where ever I store it.
Our preliminary attempt can be seen on the Yahoo site at Photos/Rear cockpit table extension.
Our thinking to put it facing aft was to keep the space around the companionway clear for the food to arrive!!
I will be making a bracket that will attach the rear of the table to the wheel shaft using the wheel nut to secure it. (You have to remove wheel)
Haven’t yet decided on how to secure the front section. Many ways to do it, but it started to rain, and I abandoned ship. Will decide the next sunny day.
Will update in the future.
C380 # 68