Dinghies and Davits Go Together

Dinghies and Davits Go Together
Bob Bierly
February, 2008 Hull #: C380 #255

Recently, on the C380 sailnet site there have been several sessions devoted to the proper choice of dinghy and motor and the pros and cons of mounting davits for dinghy transport and storage. Simply put, like many other aspects of outfitting your C380, there is no perfect universal solution. What may be useful to cruisers are the following thoughts.

Dinghies and Motors:

The real issue with a dinghy and its motor is to identify their primary purpose.


If, for example, you plan to cruise away from home, perhaps for lengthy stays (couple of weeks, months, even years), consider that your dinghy will be your basic local transportation. In this situation, I recommend that you (1) buy the largest, most stable dinghy (10 to11 feet) you can handle and, (2) obtain a big, reliable motor to

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