Northbound from Trinidad
Jim & Sue Seemann
Hull #1
Sue and I flew back to Trinidad on Jan 10, 2005, to re-launch our boat (PipeDream) and begin our 2,000 mile voyage back to Florida. Here is our first installment on our northbound trip.
Trinidad (Jan 10 to Feb 5) is a beautiful and prosperous tropical island located about 25 miles off the coast of South America and near the eastern border of Venezuela. The island is 10 degrees north of the
equator and consequently enjoys a lush tropical climate with expansive rain forests, endless varieties of tropical plants and animals, and an annual celebration known as “Carnival”. We stayed in Chaguaramas,
Trinidad for three weeks and enjoyed the island amenities while preparing and provisioning PipeDream for the voyage north.
The first leg of our trip (Feb 6 to 11) took us 88 miles north to Grenada. What a contrast!!!
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