Raymarine S100 Autopilot Remote Controller

From Mark O. Flaherty, DIVERSION Catalina 380/296

Am installing Raymarine S100 Autopilot Remote Controller and would like lessons learned if anyone in group has already done so.  Trying to make best compromise of ease of installation and coverage. 

  1. Can the base station be “tucked” into the instrument pod?  Adequate coverage?
  2. Aft lazerette?
  3. Nav Station?
  4. Other of which I have not thought?


From Warren Elliott

I had no issue with base in aft lazarette. I tried there first (stb. Lazarette) because system computer was there making wiring super easy.
From Jeff:

Be careful when you are using it. When it’s battery runs low and the unit shuts down, it switches the autopilot to standby.


From Mike
’79 C380 ‘Debbia’
Racine, WI

If you are sailing solo and carry the remote on your person, the Autopilot switching to standby on signal loss is a good safety feature. Should you fall

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