For the main filter under the aft birth:
- Pack white oil absorbing sheets around racor filter housing.
- Turn the fuel valve on the tank off.
- Stuff half an oil absorbing sheet in a big Ziploc bag.
- Unscrew the T-handle and lift the top off the racor housing.
- Pull the old filter out of the housing and put it in the Ziploc.
- Replace the gasket in the top with a well oiled new gasket.
- Replace the o-ring on the T-handle.
- Put in the new filter. (optionally fill the racor housing with diesel).
- Put the top on and tighten with T-handle(fairly tight to eliminate air leaks).
- Remove oil absorbing sheets from around racor and stuff in big Ziploc.
Turn tank fuel valve on.
- Start engine as usual.
For the filter on the engine: (not the inline 80 micron filter but the small cylindrical filter housing aft and to port)
- Place a white
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