Title: Water in Forward Compartment
Author: Warren Elliott
Date: 8/12/2003
Hull #: 44
Quite a few of our Sailnet group, over the last year or two, have reported finding water in the forward compartment, the one accessible through the small hatch under the V-berth. This occurred on my boat also when I found about a gallon there after My Bride II was two or three years old. I also found the very small volume at the bow was full with perhaps another gallon. My trusty wet/dry vacuum cleaned out the water easily. I did a routine check of fittings, and hit the area with fresh water, but nothing obvious turned up. In the next three years, another 1/2 -1 gallon accumulated, so it’s obviously not much of a leak. Recently, I used some “Captain Tolley’s Creeping Crack Cure” around the bow roller and the forward stay chain plate. We’ll see
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